Nofx So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes Zippy

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Nofx So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes Zippy Rating: 3,5/5 8235 reviews

Nofx So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes Zippy Lyrics

Part 2 of thread. It can no longer be commented on, so this is a continuation.

Nofx So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes Zippy Lyrics

It's my job to keep punk rock elite:this could be your average nofx song, but i also could be the average man but i am not. Yes this is a regular nofx song sticking to there punk rock roots 9/10kids of the k-hole:starts with off with a little bass, this is song to me sounds nothing like nofx, i like it 9/10murder the government:its only 45 seconds so its not really a full song, its pretty much just saying 'murder the government' 7/10monosyllabic girl:the lyrics to this song are hilarious, this song is also only 54 songs, but what do you expect nofx they have short fast songs 7/10180 degrees:the begining of this song reminds me of a metal band, then it gets straight into a ska beat very nice. Then later on during the song its the average nofx song. Its pretty original 8/10all his suits are torn:starts out slow, this isnt an average fast beat nofx song its slower not bad 7/10 the guitars kinda annoy me for some reason in this song during the verseall outta angst:ahh yes a ska based song, any ska fan that does not like nofx WILL like this song, nofx can always switch there genres of music. 10/10i'm telling tim:well this song uses a ska and an average punk beat, i have no clue what he is saying during the song sounds like jibberish, its not english trust me 6/10dads bad news:start out with a little bass line then it comes in to this beat that sounds like the offspring, actually this could make a good offspring song 7/10kill rock starsyour average nofx song. 8/10eat the meek:once again another ska based song, very very slow song compared to all the other songs on this record, it mixes reggae with it a little to.